Understanding Customer Needs

Understanding Customer Needs

Understanding Customer Needs

Understanding customer needs is very important and every salesperson will tell you about that. So, what’s the best way to go about it? Let’s take a glance at this from three different angles:

  1. Business/Company objectives
  2. Criteria for making decisions and
  3. Individual objectives.

Let’s start from the company objectives.

Company Objectives:

The level of progress that each individual is attempting to attain with the project. What makes this so tough to comprehend?

Customers frequently express their objectives, aims and visions, by giving and telling solutions. Which they thought, analyze and have in their minds. The ability to apply that knowledge and ask good questions of the consumer is a great method to assist them, articulate their true wants and guarantee that you’re addressing and solving the identified problems.

Let’s move on to decision criteria.

Decision Criteria:

Every person in the judgement and decision-making period and process tries to use the characteristics of a supplier or solutions to choose the best one. At several levels, you’ll often discover that choice criteria differ significantly. As a result, it’s vital to comprehend them in order to convey strengths that are relevant.

Finally, there are individual objectives.

Individual Objectives:

What do people hope to get out of the project? This could be encouraged by a reward for completing a project on time, or the opportunity to earn a valued project, assignment, task or a job under one of our business transition bids.

The project manager, for example, was eager to improve his company’s reputation. His most recent initiative, introducing CRM software, had failed miserably. Then, because people weren’t using the Programme, he got a lot of bad press. We showed him how our services and solution could drastically enhance CRM consumption and help him to reclaim his identity, status and reputation. So, he became a firm, staunch and fervent supporter.

As a result, comprehending customer wants is basically about comprehending individuals.

Use of Customer Analysis Tool to Understand them:

Empowering People:

  • How to truly understand the customer for your product or service?

Meet Makita, an entrepreneur from Ethiopia. She wants to launch an innovative biogas backpack that allows people to easily transport. Biogas, the pillow shaped balloon, serves as an energy source for things like cooking.

For example:

Makita has already identified her target market of rural African areas. Now she reflects on how to best approach her customers and analyze who they are but how can she do this?

Makita divides her customers into different groups of like-minded people.

This indicates that biogas is used largely for cooking and those clients who share particular criteria such as gender, residence, and lifestyle, will be in the same group. Makita focuses on women from Ethiopian villages who have no access to electricity.

As a second step, Makita selects a typical customer of this group and creates an empathy map.

For this she really tries to understand the perspective of her customer. Makita gives her customer a name “Candace” and begins to really step into the customer shoes.

  1. If Makita was Candice what would she think, say and see also? Makita tries to respond to what Candice does feels and hears then Makita tries to feel like her customer Candice who still cooks on an open fire. She hears others talking about health issues from smoke and alternative technical solutions. Also she feels smoke in her eyes and her back hurts from carrying wood. She thinks about whether, she can afford any of these new technologies herself? She also sees her peers, walking around with cell phones instead of investing in biogas. So, she says that she’s not sure if she should buy biogas. Since, it is in her opinion just air.
  2. Makita is happy to now understand to potential customer’s desires and fears as well as her social and economic situation entirely. Using the simple methodology helps her to understand the prospective clients of her product and to do better marketing. Convincing canvas to spend her small budget on biogas rather than on a cellphone.
  3. In Sum up understanding Customer needs is the first basic step to be succeed in any business, company or institute and of course any other entrepreneur can benefit from the customer analysis tool to empowering people as well.

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